The rare earth content at Ilímaussaq (Kringlerne) in Greenland

The rare earth content at Ilímaussaq (Kringlerne) in Greenland

The ore in the deposit is one of the largest deposits of heavy rare earths in the world. Rare earths are among the critical materials for the future and are needed for among other things permanent magnets used in wind turbines, generators for electrical and hybrid cars, and hard disc drives.

The ore was confirmed to contain 1.8 % zirconium oxide, 0.2 % niobium oxide, 0.5 % light rare earths, and 0.15 % heavy rare earths. Among the rare earths, dysprosium was especially abundant.

The ore was found to consist of a wide range of minerals including K-containing feldspar, Fe-containing arfvedsonite and rare earth, containing eudialyte.

All together the data for the ore made public by Tanbreez previously was verified.


Contact: Andreas Peter Vestbø,, +45 7220 2827