Sintered magnets from strip cast alloys

Sintered magnets from strip cast alloys

Sintered permanent magnets based on Nd2-y-zPryDyzFe14B metallic alloys has been produced. The sample size is about Ø6 mm and 6-7 mm long when they are taken out of the furnace as shown on the figure. The mass density of the sample almost  the ideal of 7.4 g/cm3. It has been shown that a reasonable remanence is obtained, but the coercivity is still rather low. Further work is now done to optimize the cooling rate after the sintering as well the post annealing in order to increase the coercivity of the samples.


Contact: Nini Pryds, , +45 4677 5752, Manlong Xia,, +45 2489 2278, Christian Bahl,, +45 4677 5491 and Asger Bech Abrahamsen, , +45 2492 1613