Neodymium Ion Bor magnets in Hard Disk Drives
HDDs found in laptops have almost 75% less REEs compared to
desktop PCs
Nearly 850 kg of Nd, 140 kg of Pr and, 40 kg of Dy can be
recovered annually in Denmark from the waste computer HDDs
More information can be found in: Habib, K., Schibye, P.K.,
Vestbø, A.P., Dall, O and Wenzel, H. 2014. Material Flow Analysis
of NdFeB magnets for Denmark: A comprehensive waste flow sampling
and analysis approach. Environmental Science & Technology 48
(20): 12229-12237.
Figure: Content of rare earth elements in 20 different NdFeB
magnets from HDDs
Contact: Henrik Wenzel,,
+45 6550 7374