Shaping of magnet materials
A binder for metal injection molding of NdFeB magnets has been
developed and tested on model compounds. This binder allows low
processing temperatures as well as extremely gentle debinding.
Processing of NdFeB with traditional binders used for MIM
results in reaction between the reactive alloy and the binder
components. Such reactions are irreversible and leads to increased
carbon content on the final magnet which in turn lowers coercivity.
This binder will allow processing via the MIM process of NdFeB
powder as well as other reactive metals without increasing carbon
content in the final part.
NdFeB powder has been coated for reduced oxygen uptake during
processing. Analysis has shown reduced oxidization of the coated
powder. Future work is underway to further decrease powder
Contact: Martin Brorholt Sørensen,, +45 7220
Photo: Cylinder injection molded using the new low
temperature binder.